The First Reaction: Atlanta United vs Charleston Battery

Atlanta United traveled up (sideways) to the low coastal country Tuesday night in an Open Cup showdown vs USL’s Charleston Battery, and came away WINNERS IN PENALTIES AFTER OPEN CUP GOD JOSH COHEN CAME UP CLUTCH! (Also after 120 minutes of the soccer ball not really hitting the back of the net). It wasn’t great soccer and the PK shootout made me lose years of my life, but Atlanta United is moving forward in the Open Cup, y’all. Here are your final whistle thoughts live from Patriot’s Point in South Carolina!

The lineup

The lineup in this match was always going to cause a stir. Not because the younger guys can’t play, but simply because many fans are looking at the Open Cup as a non-negotiable competition at this point. For what it’s worth, I loved seeing the Matt Edwards, Luke Brennans, and Ashton Gordons of the world out there, but Charleston was the more aggressive team in the first half. If Atlanta United weren’t actively on one of their worst skids ever, this wouldn’t even be a conversation. Regardless, if you can’t trust your depth, you’re never going to be a big team.


Atlanta came out on a strong foot in the second half, though. The addition of Daniel Rios and Bartek Slisz helped provide a bit more rigidity and they stymied Charleston’s opportunities a bit. Nick Firmino came to life and had a couple of strong chances, and Edwards and Brennan definitely improved their chemistry.

The attack

Atlanta United can send the ball down the wing with the best teams in the world, but man…they’ve struggled being incisive through the middle and sending dangerous shots towards goal. That’s not to say the Five Stripes didn’t create any opportunities, they did, but it’s become a bit too predictable at this point.

And going back to the first point, this issue began well before any youth or backups took the pitch. The squad is just in an attacking slump, and they have to dig their way out. Head down, grind out something going forward in MLS play, and get things right.

Also, shout out to Charleston Battery, they’re a good team and this was never ever going to be a simple game. Their fans brought the energy, the vibes, the smoke…and this guy.

Extra time

This match did no favors for fitness going into a very tough home match vs LAFC. It would’ve been nice to have seen this one out in 90, but it simply wasn’t in the cards. Frankly, both teams had chances they should’ve put away, but now Atlanta is on very short rest going to play an incredibly tough team. I’d normally say at least they have the home-field advantage of the Benz going for them, but we all know that’s been a tough go, too.

Josh Cohen

That is all.

There ya have it, let us know down in the comments what you thought!

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Pineda out. He’s running this team into the ground. We’ve had enough disjointed, dispirited, inconsistent mediocrity.


A couple of positives: Cohen should start. His positioning and quickness are evident. I think that a few goals given up by Guz would’ve been saves by Cohen. I saw some bright qualities on Brennan. I just don’t see Firmino’s contribution; too slow and lacks ball control in tight spaces for the role he’s being given.
not a good match; looked like a high school match


Looked like a high school match = Cohen looked sharp and should start?

How can you tell from last night?


Watch Cohen’s positioning and his quick reactions and his foot play distributing. High school level due to the terrible passing from both teams.


For what it’s worth, as I started reading this article at a stoplight this AM my car randomly shuffled up Its the End of the World As We Know It.


You really should not be doing reading in a car. The GA law is so vague that it’s possible that doing stuff on a cellphone as a passenger violates it. And I believe the law either explicitly states or implies that doing stuff while stopped if you are the driver is a violation. I’m just warning you that what you are doing could lead to you getting a ticket, even if the odds aren’t great. As far as I know nobody has really tested the law to see what it really does and doesn’t cover so assuming the worst is the safest course of action.


Nobody will ever know. Where I live, I often see cops drive right by me with their phones in their hand. Doing official business, I’m sure. They certainly aren’t looking to see if I or anybody else around us doing the same.

Archie L.

Remember the time when Atlanta United scored a lot of goals??

Angry Rodent II

Nope. Never happened.


I think you’re referring to the previous decade. Not kidding.

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